Student Care Funds

Support Student Care Funds at Georgia State University.

Student Care Funds

Imagine trying to study for midterms when rent is past due, and you’re facing eviction. Picture being months away from graduation and being dropped from all your classes because your financial aid ran out. Think about trying to concentrate in class when you haven’t eaten a full meal in days and don’t know when you might again.

MORE THAN 3000 STUDENTS APPLY for emergency financial assistance each semester. Your gift will help ensure that direct support is available when Panthers need it.

Emergency Assistance Fund: Provides direct financial assistance for basic needs like rent, transportation or class materials. LEARN MORE

Panther Retention Grants: Applies micro grants covering students’ unpaid tuition balances prior to their being automatically dropped from classes as mandated by the University System of Georgia. LEARN MORE

Panther's Pantry: Distributes food and other basic household supplies to students and the GSU community to alleviate the stresses that come with short-term food insecurity. LEARN MORE

Georgia State University Fund: Allows the university to support students and their greatest need.