IMPACT Georgia State is the university’s official crowdfunding platform providing faculty, staff and students with a tool to raise awareness and financial support of projects for which they have a passion.The platform empowers members of the Georgia State community to take ownership of their fundraising efforts and engage with donors while achieving their philanthropic goals.
Types of Projects
IMPACT Projects are short-term campaigns with a defined dollar or donor goal. They typically last 30 days and rely on urgency to generate support.
EVERGREEN Projects are campaigns that support departments or programs with ongoing financial needs for one or more funding priorities
Project Phases
In the Planning Phase, crowdfunding collaborators receive training and resources after project approval. An initial meeting will cover solicitation and stewardship plans. The DEC Team will provide templates and guidance in regards to email and Thankview solicitations, Scalefunder updates and stewardship video production. Collaborators will add page content, DEC will help identify audiences and provide templates for marketing materials and the GSU Foundation will approve the page before project launch.
In the Active Phase, collaborators will provide content for the Thankview or Marketing Cloud solicitation, which will be sent at launch and mid-project to direct donors to the crowdfunding page. Collaborators will also draft Scalefunder updates, which our team (DEC) will review and approve before being published at key milestones. A final solicitation, supported by collaborator-provided content, will be resent during the project's last week.
In the Stewardship Phase, project teams will provide a video update to their donors that will be distributed through the project page, and email.
Spring 2025 Cohort Important Dates
Call for Submissions | Application Deadline | Training | Content Due | Project Launch | Project Ends | Stewardship Begins | Stewardship Ends |
February 3 | February 28 | March 11 - March 14 | March 24 | March 28 | April 28 | April 28 | May 2 |
The IMPACT Georgia State Platform is administered by the Annual Giving office of University Advancement. All funds raised are processed by the Georgia State University Foundation and are subject to its policies and regulations. Questions regarding projects or the application process should be directed to Evan Thomas, Assistant Director, Digital Engagement, at
What is Crowdfunding? What is IMPACT Georgia State?
At Georgia State University, crowdfunding is a vehicle for students, faculty, staff and occasionally alumni to source funding for passion projects through the Georgia State University Foundation. Crowdfunding campaigns are driven by peer-to-peer relationships and allow groups to utilize their personal networks to raise funds for a specific cause in a relatively short amount of time. IMPACT Georgia State is powered by RNL Scalefunder.
Who is eligible to utilize IMPACT Georgia State?
IMPACT Georgia State is a resource available to all faculty, staff, and registered student organizations (RSOs) at Georgia State University for raising funds to support university-affiliated initiatives. Please note that RSOs are not permitted to use the platform for general operating expenses but may utilize it for specific purposes, such as conference travel or service trips.
What initiatives can be funded through IMPACT Georgia State?
IMPACT Georgia State can be used by students, faculty and staff of Georgia State University to generate philanthropic support for their passion projects. Projects must be affiliated with a university program or department.
Allowable expenses for IMPACT Georgia State projects include reimbursement for university-related travel expenses, conference or event registration fees, travel, lodging and dining expenses paid directly to vendors, supplies and equipment, curriculum materials and scholarship funds.
What initiatives can't be funded through Impact Georgia State?
Salaries, stipends, individual educational expenses (tuition, fees or housing costs), personal expenses and contributions that will be transferred to another organization to manage are not permissible.
I think my project is right for IMPACT Georgia State. What’s next?
Submit your application using the link at the top of this page. Applications are accepted during the periods outlined above. Applications are reviewed by the Donor Engagement & Communications team and University Advancement Leadership.
All project teams must identify a faculty or staff contact in the sponsoring unit or department to support the project. Project teams will work with business managers and development staff in the sponsoring unit when preparing to launch a project.
How much information do I need to provide in the application?
As much as possible. When applying, you should provide as much detail as possible, especially regarding the budget and distribution of funds raised, in order to ensure the project can be approved in a timely manner. You will also want to demonstrate in full detail how the project will impact the GSU community in a positive way.
What responsibilities do project leads (collaborators) have when using Scalefunder for crowdfunding?
Project leads, a.k.a. collaborators, for approved projects will gain access to Scalefunder, our crowdfunding platform, where they can upload content—images, videos, and written material—to promote their causes. Collaborators must provide content for emails and ThankView messages, including drafted text to be facilitated by the DEC team.
How are IMPACT Georgia State funds disbursed?
Funds raised through IMPACT Georgia State are disbursed through a specific project fund within the Georgia State University Foundation. Project funds may be paid directly to vendors by the Georgia State University Foundation or paid through PantherMart using a Foundation speed type as the funding source. Annual Programs can provide more details regarding funds disbursement.
All new crowdfunding projects must establish a project specific fund with the Georgia State University Foundation unless a fund exists with the same purpose. Departmental business managers within the college or unit should be involved in one of the initial project meetings to ensure all financial processes are managed properly. (Note: If you need to create a project fund, a Project ID request will need to be submitted to the GSU Foundation. Project ID requests should be submitted as soon as project applications are approved.
Why should I use IMPACT Georgia State rather than another crowdfunding platform?
IMPACT Georgia State is the only approved fundraising platform for crowdfunding projects affiliated with Georgia State University, and all projects receive support from Annual Programs.
100% of the funds raised go directly to the project. There are no fees associated with making a gift through IMPACT Georgia State, and donors do not have to worry about the authenticity of the cause they are supporting.
Donors who give through IMPACT Georgia State are making a gift directly to the Georgia State University Foundation rather than giving to a third-party crowdfunding platform. That means their gifts are tax-deductible and they are subject to the same record keeping procedures as regular Georgia State donors.
What happens after I submit a crowdfunding application to DEC team?
IMPACT Georgia State crowdfunding applications are reviewed by the DEC team before being presented to the University Advancement Finance & Operations Team. Final approval is granted by the University Advancement leadership team.
In the review process, applications may be approved as submitted, revised to meet GSU Foundation guidelines or deferred to a later cohort. A member of the team will reach out to project teams as updates are made to their applications.
Who should I contact if I have additional questions about an IMPACT Georgia State project or application?
Evan Thomas
Assistant Director, Digital Engagement
IMPACT Georgia State is a crowdfunding tool to fuel top-tier innovation. It enables the Georgia State community – alumni, parents, and friends – to help students and faculty fund their passions and make an impact.
Yes. All payments are processed by the Georgia State University Foundation through our secure giving website powered by Stripe.
Your gift will be tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by the law.
Yes! You will receive an immediate email confirmation, and the Georgia State University Foundation will send you a receipt for your contribution shortly after you make your gift.
Credit card gifts are processed immediately upon finalizing your gift on the site.
No, only one-time gifts will be accepted for IMPACT Georgia State projects.
No. All gifts to IMPACT Georgia State projects will need to be submitted online through the platform to the specific project you wish to support, unless you are able to make arrangements with the project leaders for a payment that can only be made by check.
IMPACT Georgia State can accept donations through Apple Pay.
Please visit our about page to learn more about crowdfunding with IMPACT Georgia State.
Please contact Evan Thomas, Assistant Director of Digital Engagement, at