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2024 GSU Physical Therapy to the Dominican Republic

Raised toward our $11,500 Goal
73 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on September 23, at 09:00 AM EDT
Project Owners

GSU DPT is Heading to the Dominican Republic!


Georgia State University’s Doctor of Physical Therapy Program has the opportunity to send 20 third-year graduate students and 2 faculty members on an intensive study abroad experience to the Dominican Republic from October 5-10th, 2024. We will be working alongside Comunidad Connect, an organization that works tirelessly to provide access to resources for communities in the Dominican Republic. Comunidad Connect is an Atlanta-based organization serving across borders to promote community health, provide specialized healthcare services, and promote youth development. They continue to ensure that these communities have access to clean water, food security, as well as providing housing opportunities to those in need. They take pride in their investment to develop the surrounding communities by providing life-long skills in enterprise and entrepreneurship. This opportunity will allow our students to gain invaluable experiences they can carry into the workplace as they challenge their clinical reasoning, problem-solving skills, and didactic coursework application. 

This study abroad trip will provide a historical, cultural, and sociopolitical perspective of health and health care in the Dominican Republic.  Students will increase their knowledge of different cultures, health care and differing healthcare systems. Within this context, students will focus on individuals’ health, the health of the communities in which they live, and how the health of the community impacts the health of the individual. The study abroad setting will help Georgia State University students gain valuable hands-on global community rehabilitation experience through supervised clinical practice in community clinics and in the home setting. Students will learn about the challenges of healthcare delivery in the Caribbean during interactive discussions with healthcare providers and healthcare promoters in the communities that the students will visit. Students will also participate in community development and healthy household projects. 

Within the healthcare realm, our students will be conducting at home-visits within the community, partnering with the Dominican Republic Ministry of Health. Students will apply evidence-based PT practice with the goal of improving health at the individual and population levels, through the emphasis on health promotion, disease prevention and health education. They will develop their hands-on skills as they challenge their clinical reasoning abilities to problem-solve mobility challenges and perform PT evaluations among members of the community. They will obtain priceless learning lessons as they will be working with medical translators, learning about healthcare systems within developing countries, and seeking improved cultural awareness.


The funds we raise will assist in covering the cost of airfare, land transportation, housing, meals and medical interpreters. Our goal of $15,000 will help to reduce the cost for our participating students and will continue to assist in the rural communities of the Dominican Republic. 

The rural communities have limited access to healthcare which can lead to progressive PT-related issues such as low back pain, shoulder pain, and knee pain. Our students will be able to provide education to the communities on how to prevent future PT-related complications as well as education on proper body mechanics and self-efficacy. Additionally, the funds can provide basic necessities for the communities to lessen the burden that an injury can induce onto a family. 

If we are able to exceed our goal, the additional costs will continue to offset out-of-pocket funds for our students. Any remaining funds will be used to support the program in the following years. When making a give, you are investing in the future of physical therapy by allowing students to embark on an experience that will help them be both better clinicians and individuals. Youe gift will provide life changing opportunities to those who are within the rural communities of the Dominican Republic.


Please share this Crowdfunding project with your family, friends and colleagues to help get us one step closer to reaching our goal! You can also spread the word by sharing the link on social media or email it to as many people as possible. The more people that see our Crowdfunding page the better our chances are of reaching our goal to get to the Dominican Republic. Even if you are unable to donate, please continue to share to allow our campaign to be successful. 


Thank you so much for your continued support and investment in the Class of 2025. They cannot wait to put our hands-on skills to work very soon. Every gift makes a difference. We know this experience would not be possible without you! 


With your gift to GSU DPT is Heading to the Dominican Republic!, the Georgia State University Foundation will fund program expenses and supplies for students participating in the study abroad program. Any additional funds will continue to offset the costs of travel. If the project funds remain inactive for six (6) months, they will remain in the PT Study Abroad Crowdfunding fund for future expenses.

Choose a giving level


Support the Team

Every little bit helps! This amount will cover study abroad health insurance required for each student on the trip!


Keep us Fueled

Put some pep in our step! A gift of $25 covers the cost of one student's meals for a day!


In & Out of Dominican Republic

Help us get around for the week by covering the cost of one student's transportation while in country!


Speak to the Locals

Translators make our work possible! Help us communicate with the people of Dominican Republic by contributing $100.


Housing for the Trip

A gift of $250 will put a roof over our heads by covering the cost of one student’s lodging for the week!


Go the Distance

A gift of $500 will go towards one student's plane ticket for the 1,357 mile trip from Atlanta to Dominican Republic