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Lori Proctor Memorial Scholarship

Raised toward our $50,000 Goal
18 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on September 05, at 09:17 AM EDT
Project Owners

Honoring Lori's Legacy: Support the Lori Proctor Memorial Scholarship Fund!

Join us in celebrating the life and legacy of Lori Proctor (5/2/1981–12/14/2022), a cherished member of the first Occupational Therapy Doctoral Cohort in the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing & Health Professions at Georgia State University. Lori was a dedicated wife and mother of two and would have graduated with her peers as an OTD graduate in April of 2024. 

Lori was in the midst of a fearless career change from high-level corporate marketing and living with an autoimmune disorder at the time of her heartbreaking death at age 41. It was her intention to EMPOWER and help others directly with her own hands. Lori's dedication to serving others and her unwavering commitment to making a difference in the field of occupational therapy inspired all around her. Despite facing all her challenges, Lori remained resilient in her pursuit of higher education and personal growth.

In memory of Lori, we have established the Lori Proctor Memorial Scholarship Fund. This scholarship aims to honor her memory and support individuals who, like Lori, are passionate about furthering their education and making a positive impact on their communities.

Your generous contributions to the Lori Proctor Memorial Scholarship Fund will provide financial assistance to graduate-level students at Georgia State University. Preference will be given to students who share similar life experiences with Lori, including parents raising children while pursuing graduate degrees, professionals seeking career changes through advanced degrees, and individuals living with or affected by autoimmune disorders.

Together, let's ensure Lori's goals and dreams continue to inspire others. Your support will EMPOWER future generations of students to pursue their educational aspirations and make a meaningful difference in the world.


  Donate: Your financial contributions, no matter the amount, will make a difference in the lives of deserving students. DonateToday!

  Share: Spread the word about the Lori Proctor Memorial Scholarship Fund with your friends, family, and colleagues. Together, we can reach our fundraising goals and honor Lori's legacy. Click Share!

  Get Involved: Volunteer your time and expertise to help organize fundraising events or initiatives in support of the scholarship fund. Contact organizers of SOTA (Student Occupational Therapy Association) at to learn more about how you can get involved. 

Let's come together to honor Lori's memory and create a lasting impact through the Lori Proctor Memorial Scholarship Fund. Thank you for your generosity and support!

Thoughts from the 2024 OTD Cohort 

 "Lori was truly an incredible mother, wifeand friend. She was always kind, positive, and hard-working. She had the ability to uplift others and provide words of courage during difficult times. Her strength was truly something to admire. I am so grateful I had the chance to know Lori. She is deeply missed and holds a special place in my heart." – Nicole May 


"Lori was genuinely one of the most selfless, kind, thoughtful & patient people I have ever known. I cannot count the amount of times my friends & I said “if Lori can do this, then so can we”. Her kindness meant so so much. She was a genuine light of a person. Lori was the greatest occupational therapist & continues to be an inspiration to me & so so many others. She is so deeply missed." – Alyssa Waters 


"Oh Lori. You are so missed. She was so kind with a warm smile but she was also very fierce. Don't cross her the wrong way because she'd let you know in her sweet Lori way. She was a proud mom and a big piece of our cohort’s puzzle. Turtles For Lori Forever <3" – Shannen-Rose Forde 


"Lori was such an amazing person, student, mother, and friend. She was truly the epitome of what an occupational therapist is and strives for. I am grateful for having the chance to get to know her, and heartbroken that she is no longer with us. I know that her legacy of kindness will continue to live in the hearts of our cohort." – Ashley Sciandra


"Lori was as brilliant as she was kind. She was genuine: you knew that balancing a family while getting her doctorate took sacrifice and intentionality, and you knew that she was a superhero and was doing it well. She was always looking out for the others in the cohort. My favorite memory with Lori was when she was my partner for a transfer practical. We were practicing and I went to transfer her and she stood up and pivoted all on her own. I almost fell on top of her because I was anticipating doing a whole lot more work. We were laughing so hard and then she said “I just want to make it as easy as I can for you. We got this!” She was such an encourager and a realist. She brought so much patience and joy to this world. She had a wonderful laugh and smile. She is immensely missed by me and our cohort." – Becca Parker


"My time with Lori was cut way too short. She always could make me laugh and knew how to brighten up a very long day in the classroom. She was so smart, kind, loving, and strong. I know she would have made the best therapist. She truly inspired us all with how she juggled everything and made it look easy. I miss her deeply. Going through this program has not been the same without her. I hope she will be with us all as we enter into our careers and forever be in our hearts. Much love to everyone." – Dani Nguyen 


"Lori was one of the calm ones in the cohort, which was refreshing to see. While I did not know her that well, she was a great classmate to work with on group projects as she was smart, but also kind and understanding." – Grace Jeffers


"Lori truly was a breath of fresh air. Echoing what others have said, she was such a kind-hearted and intentional person that always had a sense of calm about her. Everything she did, both inside and outside of class, was enriched with integrity. I have so much respect for the way she balanced being a wife, mother, friend, and OT student; she made it look effortless. Lori will continue to be deeply missed by me and the entire cohort." – Sarah Curtis  

Other Ways to Give

Mail check or money order to the Foundation

Please make checks payable to Georgia State University Foundation. Please complete the GSU Foundation Gift Form and include it with your check or money order. On the check, please include 24CFLPMS and Lori Proctor Memorial Endowed Scholarship – 021815, on the memo line.

Mail to: 

Georgia State University Foundation

P.O. Box 3963

Atlanta, GA 30302-3963

EFT Incoming Wire Transfer and ACH

Please call one of the following Georgia State Foundation contacts for EFT instructions:

Dale Palmer, CFO – 404-413-3434

Holly Sailers, Controller – 404-413-3485

Linda Byerley, Cash Manager – 404-413-3430